Rem Koolhaas/OMA
Norman Foster
Alessandro Mendini
Before Koolhaas realised any building as an architect, he was already celebrated for his publications. With his 'Office for Metropolitan Architecture' he realised over the past 20 years numerous famous buildings and installations. A new statement on the very latest issues of his work as a global architect. Foster and Partners are perhaps the most successful international architectural practice today. The use of colour is a subtle and distinctive aspect of Foster's work. Sir Norman Foster has selected thirty projects from the last three decades, specifying the particular colour associated with these. Alessandro Mendini, the creator of a Pop method for architecture and design, presents in parallel his two positions on colour: seeing colour choice as an act which is entirely unconstrained, and taking meticulous account of the many psychological and cultural factors relating to colour. A new statement on the very latest issues in post-industrial design.
Language: English
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
Colours, Cees de Jong (introduction and design), nice copy (only minor signs of use on the cover)
V+K Publishing, 2001, First Edition, paperback with reading flaps, 23,9 x 16,8 x 2,2 cm, 376 pages
ISBN 9074265154
Price without shipping costs
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